Sahar Rakhshanfar

Full Name:
Sahar Rakhshanfar
Registration Number:
Current Status:
Designated Electoral District:
District 5

Concerns, Conditions and/or Professional Misconduct

Practice Information


Primary Practice

Viva Dental Orangeville

109-287 Broadway Orangeville, ON, CA L9W 1L2
Sedation & Anesthesia Facility Permit:
CT Scanner Facility Permit:
See Hide All Practice Locations

All Practice Locations

  • Viva Dental Orangeville
    109-287 Broadway Orangeville, ON, CA L9W 1L2
    Sedation & Anesthesia Facility Permit:
    CT Scanner Facility Permit:
See Hide Professional Corporation Information

Professional Corporation Information

  • Dr. S. Rakhshanfar Dentistry Professional Corporation 27 Artinger Court Toronto, ON, CA M3B 1J9 Phone: 416-565-4455
    Certificate of Authorization Status:
    Cancelled at Corporation's Request
    Date of Cancellation:
    August 31, 2024
    Certificate of Authorization Issuance:
    June 27, 2019
  • Sahar Rakhshanfar Dentistry Professional Corporation 55 Pinebush Rd #700 Cambridge, ON, CA N1R 8K5 Phone:
    Certificate of Authorization Status:
    Certificate of Authorization Issuance:
    March 20, 2020

Academic Information


Dental Degree

Shahid Beheshti University, Iran
University of Toronto, Canada

This may not be a complete record of the member's academic information or continuing education.

Certificate(s) of Registration


Current Certificate(s) of Registration and Date(s) of Issuance


Previous Certificate(s) of Registration


Initial Date of Registration

Other License(s)


Current Dental License(s)


Sedation & Anesthesia Details


Sedation Administration Authorization

Parenteral Conscious Sedation - 1 Drug Option

Allowed to act as a visiting provider?


Complaints & Reports Outcomes


Case File: 150202

Decision Date:
January 13, 2021

Specified Continuing Education or Remedial Program

Current Status:
Required Course
One-on-one individualized course in financial recordkeeping
Current Status:
Required Practice Monitoring - Office Visits
Practice to be monitored for 36 months following completion of course in financial recordkeeping

Case File: 150219

Decision Date:
January 13, 2021

Specified Continuing Education or Remedial Program

Current Status:
Required Course
One-on-one individualized course in financial recordkeeping
Current Status:
Required Practice Monitoring - Office Visits
Practice to be monitored for 36 months following completion of course in financial recordkeeping

Case File: 160118

Decision Date:
August 22, 2017

Specified Continuing Education or Remedial Program

Current Status:
Required Course
Dental Recordkeeping
Current Status:
Required Course
Fixed Prosthodontics, with emphasis on diagnostic work-ups and treatment planning; emphasis on diagnostic work-ups and treatment planning, including the use of appropriate radiographs or other imaging tools for diagnostic purposes
Current Status:
Required Course
Informed Consent
Current Status:
Required Practice Monitoring - Office Visits
for 24 months following completion of courses and mentoring
Current Status:
Required Mentoring Program
Mentor to review and approve diagnosis and treatment planning before prosthetic treatment is initiated until such a time that the mentor advises the College in writing that the mentorship is no longer necessary and the College agrees.   

The member shall abide by any and all recommendations of the Mentor with respect to her prosthetic treatment. 

To provide to the College, at her expense, an initial report from the Mentor within one month of the Mentor being retained, and a report every two months from the Mentor until such time as the ICR Committee is satisfied that the concerns raised in this complaint have been addressed.

Case File: 160506

Decision Date:
July 29, 2019


As a result of a complaint, the Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee decided to caution Dr. Sahar Rakhshanfar as follows:

• You have a professional, ethical and legal responsibility to ensure that your patient records, including billing records, be maintained in a fulsome manner, and that these records accurately describe the treatment that was provided to patients and billed to patients or claimed from patient’s insurance companies.  

Specified Continuing Education or Remedial Program

Current Status:
Required Course
Hands-on course in Pediatric Dentistry, including diagnosis and treatment planning
Current Status:
Required Course
The ProBE Program for Professional/Problem-Based Ethics 
Current Status:
Required Practice Monitoring - Office Visits
Practice to be monitored for 48 months following completion of courses in Pediatric Dentistry and ProBe course for Professional/Problem-Based Ethics.

Case File: 190211

Decision Date:
December 01, 2021


Current Status:
As a result of a complaint, the Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee decided to caution Dr. Sahar Rakhshanfar as follows:

• Despite previous remediation by the College, your records were unsatisfactory in this case, which suggested that you had poor insight into the previous deficiencies of your recordkeeping. As a dentist in Ontario, you have a professional, legal and ethical responsibility to maintain a complete documentation of each patient’s dental care. Such documentation must include a clear and accurate record of your clinical observations and diagnosis, treatment options, the proposed and accepted treatment plan, a record of the treatment performed, details about any referrals, and the prognosis and/or outcome of treatment, all with reference to the correct teeth numbers. Clear, accurate and up-to-date patient records are essential to the delivery of high quality care. You must take seriously the remediation of recordkeeping deficiencies in your practice, because failure to do so again, after multiple remedial efforts, may result in more serious action being taken in the future.

• In order to obtain your patient’s fully informed consent, it is imperative that you fully discuss your diagnoses, recommendations and treatment options with your patient, including the complexity and nature of the proposed treatments, and the associated risks of treatment. You must fully document the details of these discussions and the patient’s decision in your clinical notes, particularly when the discussion concerns complicated and extensive treatment.

• With respect to your implant dentistry practice, you must perform a fulsome preliminary evaluation of the patient, which includes considering the physical and medical suitability of the patient to undergo dental implant treatment. You must complete a thorough pre-surgical assessment, including diagnostic work-ups, and prepare a comprehensive treatment plan. You must place dental implants at the correct positions, depths and angulations to ensure the viability of the implants and to allow for the fabrication of a functional and aesthetic prosthesis.

• You must ensure that you never allow a patient to dictate the treatment you provide, particularly where doing so would be contrary to your professional judgement.

• You should reflect on the seriousness of the panel’s concerns. You should diligently and consistently incorporate the lessons learned from the remediation ordered by the Discipline and ICR Committees such that your practice will be remediated.

Terms, Conditions and Limitations In Effect

Status: Completed
Voluntary Course/Training
  • Comprehensive one on one hands-on course or courses in Implant Dentistry to include: • Diagnosis and treatment planning including but not limited to bone grafting, selection of implant type and size, and appropriate prosthesis design; • Case selection and recognizing when a case ought to be referred to a specialist; • Indications and contraindications for implant dentistry; • Appropriate imaging including, but not limited to, the use of CbCT and interpretation of findings; • Diagnostic records and case work -up; • Implant success, survival and failure, including maintenance and follow-up; • Appropriate recordkeeping including, but not limited to, the documentation of the specific implant(s) placed for each patient and the maintenance of a log of implant failure(s); • A review of the College’s Guideline on “Educational Requirements & Professional Responsibilities for Implant Dentistry”; and • An evaluative component.
In Effect Since:
Voluntary Practice Restriction
  • To restrict my practice such that I will not perform any phase of implant dentistry including, but not limited to, advising patients about implant treatment, treatment planning, case work-ups, and both the surgical and prosthetic phases of treatment
In Effect Since:
Voluntary Course/Training
  • Informed Consent. Member shall provide evidence of the successful completion of the aforementioned courses immediately following the completion of said course.
In Effect Since:
Voluntary Course/Training
  • RCDSO Recordkeeping. Member shall provide evidence of the successful completion of the aforementioned courses immediately following the completion of said course.
In Effect Since:
Status: In Effect
Voluntary Mentoring Program
  • To retain a dental specialist to act as a mentor. The mentor shall review and approve: • diagnosis and case selection, • treatment planning and case work -up for both the surgical and prosthetic phases of treatment, • type and interpretation of radiographs and models, • recordkeeping and maintenance of pre -treatment documentation, • referral protocols, • management of post-operative complications, • evaluation of post-surgical results to confirm appropriate placement, osseo-integration and readiness for restorative treatment, • final restorative results, • anything else the Mentor deems appropriate before approving my continuation of any implant cases. No new implant cases will be initiated until I have completed the course(s) • review and approve any ongoing/active implant cases and/or treatment plans prior to me rendering any implant treatment as of the date of signing this Undertaking; • make recommendations with respect to my provision of implant treatment and the need for any additional remedial training. I will abide by all recommendations made by the Mentor with respect to my provision of implant treatment, including the surgical and prosthetic aspects of implant therapy, and the need for any additional remedial training; • to provide referrals to other practitioners for all of my existing implant treatment cases, if any; • that I will only resume providing implant treatment, including both the surgical placement of implants and the prosthetic restoration of implants, subsequent to the successful completion of the course(s) and upon the retention of the Mentor, under the supervision of the Mentor • to provide to the College, at my expense, an initial report from the Mentor within one month of the Mentor being retained and a report every two months thereafter from the Mentor until such time as the Mentor is satisfied that the mentorship is completed and the ICR Committee is satisfied that the concerns raised in this complaint have been addressed and relieves me of the mentorship. The reports from the Mentor will include an assessment of the adequacy of my implant treatment. If no implant case is treated during any two-month period, no reporting from the mentor is required • in the event that my retained Mentor is no longer able to supervise me, to notify the College and cease providing implant treatment immediately until I am able to retain a new Mentor and according to the terms specified herein
In Effect Since:
Voluntary Monitoring of Practice (Office Visits)
  • 24 months of monitoring of practice commencing on the date of the first monitoring visit, which shall occur after the member advises the College of the satisfactory completion of the courses and the Mentor has advised the College of my satisfactory completion of the mentorship and the ICR Committee relieves me of the mentoring requirement. Maintain the working and opposing models, impressions and bite registrations (if possible), and lab prescriptions in order to facilitate the practice monitoring.
In Effect Since:

Discipline Results


Case File: H200005

Date of Decision:


  • Disgraceful, dishonourable, unprofessional or unethical conduct
  • Failed to abide by written undertaking given to the College
  • Used a name other than the member's name as set out in the Register in the course of providing or offering dental services


  • $10000 to be paid to College
  • Imposed Course/Training in Ethics (one-on-one course)
  • Imposed Mentoring Program in relation to prosthodontic treatment, specifically bridges MONITORING RECORD DESCRIPTION: Within thirty days of your return to practice following suspension, you are required to retain mentor, being a senior member of the College, approved by the College, at your own cost, to provide mentoring on prosthodontics, specifically bridges, which includes the mentoring requirements You and the Mentor will meet at least once every two (2) months for a Mentoring Session, the first of which will commence after your return to practice. During the Mentoring Session, you will present and the Mentor will review, assess and approve the adequacy of your prosthodontics, specifically bridges, prior to your initiating prosthodontic treatment, and discuss the treatment after it occurs. You will not engage in any prosthodontics treatment except and unless the Mentor has reviewed and approved the treatment in advance; You will abide by and follow all of the recommendations of the Mentor. You will ensure that the Mentor files with the Inquiries Complaints and Reports Committee of the College a report within thirty (30) days of each Mentoring Session, which shall include the date(s) and length of the Mentoring Session, the cases reviewed, the recommendations made to you pre-treatment, assessment of your treatment post-treatment, and comments regarding your progress, cooperation, ability to meet standards of practice, and concerns, if any the Mentoring shall last until such time as the Inquiries Complaints and Reports Committee is satisfied that concerns about your prosthodontic work have been addressed and the Committee relieves you in writing of the Mentoring Requirements
  • Imposed Practice Monitoring (office visits) for 48 months following completion of mentoring program
  • Reprimand
  • Suspension 8 months - effective Jun 13, 2020 to Feb 12, 2021

Terms, Conditions and Limitations In Effect

Status: In Effect
Imposed Mentoring Program
  • in relation to prosthodontic treatment, specifically bridges MONITORING RECORD DESCRIPTION: Within thirty days of your return to practice following suspension, you are required to retain mentor, being a senior member of the College, approved by the College, at your own cost, to provide mentoring on prosthodontics, specifically bridges, which includes the mentoring requirements You and the Mentor will meet at least once every two (2) months for a Mentoring Session, the first of which will commence after your return to practice. During the Mentoring Session, you will present and the Mentor will review, assess and approve the adequacy of your prosthodontics, specifically bridges, prior to your initiating prosthodontic treatment, and discuss the treatment after it occurs. You will not engage in any prosthodontics treatment except and unless the Mentor has reviewed and approved the treatment in advance; You will abide by and follow all of the recommendations of the Mentor. You will ensure that the Mentor files with the Inquiries Complaints and Reports Committee of the College a report within thirty (30) days of each Mentoring Session, which shall include the date(s) and length of the Mentoring Session, the cases reviewed, the recommendations made to you pre-treatment, assessment of your treatment post-treatment, and comments regarding your progress, cooperation, ability to meet standards of practice, and concerns, if any the Mentoring shall last until such time as the Inquiries Complaints and Reports Committee is satisfied that concerns about your prosthodontic work have been addressed and the Committee relieves you in writing of the Mentoring Requirements
In Effect Since:
Imposed Practice Monitoring (office visits)
  • for 48 months following completion of mentoring program
In Effect Since:
Reasons for Decision
Decision Summary

Criminal Proceedings


Conditions of Release

Dryden, Ontario
Notify police of any change of address, employment or occupation.
No communication, directly or indirectly with any clients of Viva Dental at 104 King Street, Dryden, ON

Criminal Charges

Dryden, Ontario
Fraud over $5000 contrary to Criminal Code section 380(1)(a)

This information was obtained from the register of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario (