HPC Annual Renewal

All health profession corporation certificates of authorization expire on August 31 of each year, regardless of the initial date of issuance, and need to be renewed annually.

Frequently asked questions

    Who needs to renew an HPC Certificate?

    RCDSO registrants who hold a Certificate of Authorization for a Health Profession Corporation (HPC). Registrants who hold more than one HPC must complete a separate renewal for each HPC.

    When do I need to renew?

    The deadline to renew your HPC is August 31.

    This deadline applies to all HPCs, regardless of when your certificate was issued.

    How much does it cost to renew my certificate?

    If paid on or before July 31, 2024: $175

    If paid after July 31, 2024: $200

    What if I do not renew my certificate by the deadline?

    If you do not renew your certificate by August 31, your certificate will be revoked effective September 1, for failure to renew.

    All HPCs are provided with notice of proposed revocation at least 60 days in advance of the deadline.

    How do I renew my HPC?

    You can renew your HPC for 2024/2025 by logging into the RCDSO Portal using your e-mail address and password.

    Complete the renewal process by selecting “My Renewals” under your name in the top right in the navigation menu.  Then click on the HPC name in blue (you will need to complete the renewal steps for each HPC listed in your profile). Go through “Renewal Instructions” and click on “Next” to proceed to the next steps.

    Once each Renewal Section is complete, the left-hand menu will display a check-mark to indicate which section has been completed.

    What will I need before I start my HPC renewal?

    Electronic copy of your current Corporate Profile Report (Certificate of Status 1 page long and/or Business Name Registration 4 pages long are not accepted):

    • Corporate Profile Report (also known as Entity Profile Report) can be obtained from Ontario Business Registry (cost: $8.00).
    • Must be current-dated (valid for 30 days from date generated)
    • The CPR is typically 7+ pages in length
    • PDF format (8 MB maximum)

    If you are experiencing service-related or technical issues with the above-listed provider, kindly contact the Ministry directly, as this service is not affiliated with the RCDSO.

    SAMPLE of correct Corporate Profile Report that is 7+ pages long and must be current dated (valid for 30 days from date generated)

    SAMPLE of incorrect document (Report for Business Name Registration) that is 4 pages long and it cannot be accepted:

    Can I obtain a Corporate Profile Report from a different website?

    You may obtain the Corporate Profile Report from any service provider. Please ensure it's the correct document by carefully reviewing our documentation requirements stated above. The RCDSO is not affiliated with any specific service provider and you will have to contact them directly if there are any issues or delays.

    My login credentials are not working

    If you are receiving an error message that says ‘A user with this specified ID already exists’ it means the account has already been created. If you do not remember your password, follow the ‘Forgot Password’ option. Staff do not have access to passwords.

    If an error message says ‘This account does not exist’ that means your account was created using a different e-mail address.

    If you have recently updated your e-mail address in the RCDSO Portal, it may take a few business days for the update to be processed. You will receive an e-mail with instructions on how to reset your login credentials.

    For all other technical issues e-mail paperless@rcdso.org

    I forgot my password. How do I reset it?

    Staff do not have access to passwords. If you do not remember your password, try logging in using your current e-mail address.

    • If you receive an error message that says ‘A user with this specified ID already exists’ click on ‘Forgot your Password’ to reset your password
    • If you receive an error message that says ‘We Can’t Seem to Find your Account’ then you are either using an incorrect login e-mail or you have not yet created a portal account.

    To update your login e-mail address please contact paperless@rcdso.org. In the e-mail, confirm your old e-mail address, the new e-mail address to be used, and confirm your residential postal code on file so that staff can verify your identity. You will be sent another invitation e-mail to create new login credentials

    I want to log in using a new e-mail address

    To update your login e-mail address, select the “Change Email and Sign In” option under your profile in the  RCDSO Portal.

    I tried to reset my password but never received the verification code

    It may take up to 24 hours for the e-mail to arrive at your inbox. If the verification e-mail is not in your inbox, check your junk/spam folder. If the e-mail is not in your inbox or junk/spam folder, follow the “Forgot Password” instructions once more and make sure to use the most recent invitation e-mail.

    I got the verification code via email but it is not working

    If you have clicked on “Forgot Password” more than once, you must only use the most recent email.  For example, if you tried to reset the password three times, three different codes will have been emailed.  Only the most recent code will work.

    It will not let me pay

    Members must complete all steps before proceeding to payment:

    • File Upload
    • Renewal Declaration
    • Fees

    Please also verify the information under “Stakeholders and Practice Location” to ensure that it is up to date. If you wish to add or remove a voting dentist shareholder, email hpcinfo@rcdso.org as further documentation is required.

    Where do I find my annual HPC certificate and receipt?

    Certificates and receipts are available through the RCDSO Portal. The College no longer mails certificates or receipts.

    To access the certificate, log into your Member Portal and click your name in the top right-hand corner for the menu. Then click on My HPC, Click on the Account Number in Blue, and “HPC Certificates”. To access your receipt, select My Receipts in the menu.

    Is the payment site secure? I got a pop-up that says the site is not secure

    Browsers sometimes have messaging that pops-up saying the site is not secure. This is because the browser has never seen the site before. We can assure you that it is in fact a secure payment site through Chase.

    How do I know if my renewal is complete? I do not know if my credit card went through

    You will receive a transaction confirmation e-mail once your payment has gone through. This transaction email will also indicate if your transaction was unsuccessful, so read it carefully.

    Once payment has been processed, allow 3-5 business days for RCDSO staff to process your renewal. You will receive an email to confirm that your renewal has been completed successfully once processed.

    If there are any issues with your renewal, you will be notified by staff.

    I used the wrong credit card to pay for my renewal. Can I get a refund?

    We cannot accommodate refund requests.

    Can I pay by cheque?

    Yes. However, we strongly encourage you to pay for your renewal online.  RCDSO staff work remotely and we may not be able to confirm receipt of your cheque for several weeks. Credit card payment online remains the most efficient way to pay your renewal fee. Where the payment of a cheque does not go through, a Non-Sufficient Funds (NSF) fee will apply.

    If you are paying by cheque, the cheque must be received before the deadline. Cheques received after the deadline will not be accepted.

    What should I do if I do not want to renew my HPC?

    If your corporation is no longer active and you wish to cancel your certificate of authorization, select "My HPCs", then click on the Account Number in blue and "My HPC Cancellation" in the RCDSO Portal.

    Why do I need to submit a Cancellation Notice? Can I just let my HPC lapse?

    If a registrant does not renew their HPC by August 31, then that certificate will be revoked effective September 1st. The revocation would be displayed on the Public Register under the dentist’s profile.

    What happens if my HPC is revoked for non-renewal compliance?

    Once your HPC is revoked, you no longer have a valid certificate of authorization and you are unable to use it to bill for services and fees through your corporation. You cannot renew a revoked certificate.

    If your certificate is revoked and you would like to obtain a new certificate of authorization, you will have to apply for a new certificate of authorization online through the RCDSO portal. The fee associated with a new application is $750.

    Application processing times for a new certificate of authorization can range 2-3 weeks.

    What if my HPC has undergone an amalgamation?

    If your HPC amalgamated at any point during the year, including during the renewal period, the newly amalgamated HPC requires a new Certificate of Authorization.  

    Your predecessor HPC ceases to exist. Do not renew your predecessor HPC even if it has the same name.

    You must submit an application for a new Certificate of Authorization before your newly amalgamated HPC can be renewed. We recommend you submit an application as soon as possible through the RCDSO portal as processing times during the renewal period can be longer.