Membership renewal guide
You're ready to renew your certificate of registration with the College. Here are step-by-step instructions on how to complete your renewal.
1. Click on RCDSO Portal Login in the top right corner of our website.
- Enter your e-mail address and password, and click Sign-In.
If you are having trouble signing in, visit our FAQ for some suggestions
- Once logged in, click on your name in the top right-hand corner for a drop-down menu. Then, click on My Renewals.
- Click on 2024 RCDS Register Renewal.
- After reading through and completing each section click ‘Next’ at the bottom of each page. Once each renewal section is complete, the left-hand menu will display a check-mark indicating which sections are completed.
Renewal Questionnaire
Each questionnaire must be completed and submitted in one sitting. The average time to complete both the renewal and HPDB questionnaires together is 30-45 minutes. You must complete this questionnaire to successfully renew your license. The questionnaire must be completed by the renewing dentist given the nature of the information and the attestation requirement.
- Members must answer all questions in all seven sections of the Renewal Questionnaire. Responses will not be saved if you leave the page without submitting.
HPDB Questionnaire
Several questions in the HPDB questionnaire require you to add a record. For example, the first question is about languages in which patient care is provided. You must add at least one language and can add up to five languages.
- First, click Add.
- Select the languages in which you provide patient care by clicking on the box to the left of the language. Your selection will appear at the bottom under ‘Selected Records’. Once you have selected all languages that apply, click Add at the bottom of the pop-up window.
- Once you have completed the HPDB questionnaire, click Submit at the bottom of the page. An error message will appear if any mandatory questions were left unanswered.
Final steps and payment
If you have completed all sections of the renewal, you will be taken to the payment page. If any sections were not completed or submitted, you will be taken back to the incomplete section and the Fees page will be inaccessible.
- Once all sections have been completed and submitted, you may proceed to pay your fee in the Fees section. Select the type of payment method and click Next.
NOTE: If you opt to pay by cheque, it may be several weeks before staff can confirm receipt while continuing to work remotely. As such, your annual certificate and receipt will not be made available and your renewal will not be complete until staff are in the office and the funds have been processed and received. To avoid delay, we encourage you to pay online with a credit card.
- On the next page, click Pay Invoice at the bottom of the screen. It may take a few moments for the button to appear. You will be redirected to a secure payment site. Enter the required information to submit your payment.
You may receive a transaction e-mail from Chase stating the payment was declined – this is NOT a receipt.
If you do not see a receipt for the 2024 renewal amount or the 2024 certificate in the Portal as described in step 17, your annual renewal is not complete.
If the payment was received successfully, you will be taken back to the Payment Details page, which says “Your Payment was successfully submitted”.You will also receive a transaction confirmation via e-mail from Chase – this is NOT your receipt. Your receipt and annual certificate can be accessed separately in the member portal.
To access your receipt: Click on your name in the top right-hand corner, or go to the navigation menu on the left, and select My Receipts.
To access your annual membership certificate: Click on your name in the top right-hand corner, click on My Memberships, RCDS Register, and finally Membership Certificate.
If you have followed these steps and confirmed your renewal by accessing your receipt and certificate, your 2024 renewal is now complete.