Person's hands shown holding a phone while in front of a laptop.

Practice name application

Fill out our online form to request approval of a practice name by the College. You can also review the College's Practice Advisory on Practice Names. We do not grant the exclusive right to use practice names. Our approval of a practice name should not be construed in any way to be a grant of the right to use such name at law.

Apply for a practice name

Dental CT Scanners

Every dental facility that intends to install and operate a dental CT scanner must have a facility permit issued by the College. Any dentist who wishes to prescribe, order, take, interpret and report on CT scans must apply to have their training reviewed and approved. 
Learn more

Recent News & Updates

AI and dentistry

The emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare, particularly in dentistry, provides the profession with a whole host of innovative functions, and its implementation in clinical practice requires due diligence.

RCDSO Connect newsletter now available!

RCDSO Connect is the College’s digital newsletter offering timely updates and information about dental practice and regulation in Ontario.

Our Spring issue features articles on AI in dentistry, how to avoid becoming the victim of a cyber scam, measles, access to care, and understanding the College's resolution program.
More News & Updates