Discipline Hearings
Hearings of the Discipline Committee are open to the public.
At this time, hearings will be held via videoconference and begin at 9:00 a.m. unless stated otherwise. If you would like to attend a discipline hearing noted below, please contact the Hearings Office at hearingsoffice@rcdso.org.
Dr. Andrew Wai-Ming Kwong
Hearing Dates:
- February 11, 2025
- Signed a certificate, report or similar document that contained a false, misleading or improper statement
- Falsified a record
- Submitted a false or misleading account or charge
- Disgraceful, dishonourable, unprofessional or unethical conduct
Dr. Rolando Pineda Estrabillo
Hearing Dates:
- March 18, 2025
- Failed to comply with order of the Discipline Committee or Fitness to Practise Committee
Dr. Kevin F.M. Bacchus
Hearing Dates:
- To be scheduled
- Contravened a federal, provincial, territorial law, municipal by-law or rule of a public hospital
Hearing Dates:
- To be scheduled
- Contravened a provision of Dentistry Act, RHPA, or Regulations
- Disgraceful, dishonourable, unprofessional or unethical conduct
Dr. Joseph Stephen Bakty
Hearing Dates:
- To be scheduled
- Disgraceful, dishonourable, unprofessional or unethical conduct
- Failed to abide by written undertaking given to the College
Hearing Dates:
- To be scheduled
- Disgraceful, dishonourable, unprofessional or unethical conduct
Dr. Behnam Bohluli-Zanjani
Hearing Dates:
- To be scheduled
- Contravened the standards of practice in relation to inducing general anaesthesia or conscious sedation
- Failed to keep records as required by the Regulations
- Submitted a false or misleading account or charge
Dr. Richard Gordon D Bunt
Hearing Dates:
- To be scheduled
- Treated a disease that member knew or ought to have known was beyond his/her expertise or competence
- Contravened the standards of practice in relation to inducing general anaesthesia or conscious sedation
- Disgraceful, dishonourable, unprofessional or unethical conduct
Dr. Walter M. Heidary
Hearing Dates:
- To be scheduled
- Contravened a standard of practice or failed to maintain the standards of practice of the profession
- Treated without consent
- Failed to keep records as required by the Regulations
Hearing Dates:
- To be scheduled
- Contravened a standard of practice or failed to maintain the standards of practice of the profession
- Failed to keep records as required by the Regulations
Dr. Aura Milagro Hidalgo
Hearing Dates:
- To be scheduled
- Contravened a standard of practice or failed to maintain the standards of practice of the profession
- Treated without consent
- Recommended or provided an unnecessary dental service
- Disgraceful, dishonourable, unprofessional or unethical conduct
Hearing Dates:
- To be scheduled
- Contravened a standard of practice or failed to maintain the standards of practice of the profession
Dr. Halyna Hrynash
Hearing Dates:
- To be scheduled
- Signed a certificate, report or similar document that contained a false, misleading or improper statement
- Disgraceful, dishonourable, unprofessional or unethical conduct
Hearing Dates:
- To be scheduled
- Signed a certificate, report or similar document that contained a false, misleading or improper statement
- Disgraceful, dishonourable, unprofessional or unethical conduct
Dr. Hisham Farouk Kaloti
Hearing Dates:
- To be scheduled
- Contravened a standard of practice or failed to maintain the standards of practice of the profession
- Treated without consent
- Treated a disease that member knew or ought to have known was beyond his/her expertise or competence
- Misrepresented a treatment, remedy, device or procedure
- Signed a certificate, report or similar document that contained a false, misleading or improper statement
- Failed to keep records as required by the Regulations
- Submitted a false or misleading account or charge
- Charged excessive or unreasonable fees
- Disgraceful, dishonourable, unprofessional or unethical conduct
Hearing Dates:
- To be scheduled
- Contravened a standard of practice or failed to maintain the standards of practice of the profession
- Treated without consent
- Misrepresented a treatment, remedy, device or procedure
- Disgraceful, dishonourable, unprofessional or unethical conduct
Hearing Dates:
- To be scheduled
- Contravened a standard of practice or failed to maintain the standards of practice of the profession
- Treated without consent
- Misrepresented a treatment, remedy, device or procedure
- Failed to keep records as required by the Regulations
- Disgraceful, dishonourable, unprofessional or unethical conduct
Hearing Dates:
- To be scheduled
- Contravened a standard of practice or failed to maintain the standards of practice of the profession
- Treated without consent
- Treated a disease that member knew or ought to have known was beyond his/her expertise or competence
- Misrepresented a treatment, remedy, device or procedure
- Failed to keep records as required by the Regulations
- Disgraceful, dishonourable, unprofessional or unethical conduct
Hearing Dates:
- To be scheduled
- Contravened a standard of practice or failed to maintain the standards of practice of the profession
- Treated without consent
- Treated a disease that member knew or ought to have known was beyond his/her expertise or competence
- Signed a certificate, report or similar document that contained a false, misleading or improper statement
- Failed to keep records as required by the Regulations
- Submitted a false or misleading account or charge
- Disgraceful, dishonourable, unprofessional or unethical conduct
- Incompetence
Hearing Dates:
- To be scheduled
- Contravened a standard of practice or failed to maintain the standards of practice of the profession
- Treated without consent
- Treated a disease that member knew or ought to have known was beyond his/her expertise or competence
- Misrepresented a treatment, remedy, device or procedure
- Signed a certificate, report or similar document that contained a false, misleading or improper statement
- Failed to keep records as required by the Regulations
- Submitted a false or misleading account or charge
- Disgraceful, dishonourable, unprofessional or unethical conduct
Hearing Dates:
- To be scheduled
- Contravened a standard of practice or failed to maintain the standards of practice of the profession
- Treated without consent
- Treated a disease that member knew or ought to have known was beyond his/her expertise or competence
- Failed to keep records as required by the Regulations
Dr. Kevin Corry Kliman
Hearing Dates:
- To be scheduled
- Contravened a standard of practice or failed to maintain the standards of practice of the profession
- Treated without consent
- Treated a disease that member knew or ought to have known was beyond his/her expertise or competence
- Failed to keep records as required by the Regulations
Hearing Dates:
- To be scheduled
- Contravened a standard of practice or failed to maintain the standards of practice of the profession
- Treated without consent
- Treated a disease that member knew or ought to have known was beyond his/her expertise or competence
- Failed to keep records as required by the Regulations
Hearing Dates:
- To be scheduled
- Contravened a standard of practice or failed to maintain the standards of practice of the profession
- Treated without consent
- Treated a disease that member knew or ought to have known was beyond his/her expertise or competence
- Failed to keep records as required by the Regulations
Hearing Dates:
- To be scheduled
- Contravened a standard of practice or failed to maintain the standards of practice of the profession
- Treated without consent
- Treated a disease that member knew or ought to have known was beyond his/her expertise or competence
- Failed to keep records as required by the Regulations
Hearing Dates:
- To be scheduled
- Contravened a standard of practice or failed to maintain the standards of practice of the profession
- Treated without consent
- Treated a disease that member knew or ought to have known was beyond his/her expertise or competence
- Failed to keep records as required by the Regulations
Dr. Mark Alan Kochman
Hearing Dates:
- To be scheduled
- Contravened a standard of practice or failed to maintain the standards of practice of the profession
- Disgraceful, dishonourable, unprofessional or unethical conduct
Hearing Dates:
- To be scheduled
- Abuse of a patient
- Disgraceful, dishonourable, unprofessional or unethical conduct
- Sexual abuse of a patient
Dr. Daniel Lee
Hearing Dates:
- To be scheduled
- Signed a certificate, report or similar document that contained a false, misleading or improper statement
- Submitted a false or misleading account or charge
- Disgraceful, dishonourable, unprofessional or unethical conduct
Dr. Rami Majid-Agha
Hearing Dates:
- To be scheduled
- Signed a certificate, report or similar document that contained a false, misleading or improper statement
- Failed to keep records as required by the Regulations
- Submitted a false or misleading account or charge
- Disgraceful, dishonourable, unprofessional or unethical conduct
- Failed to provide accurate information to the College
Hearing Dates:
- To be scheduled
- Disgraceful, dishonourable, unprofessional or unethical conduct
Dr. Ronald Joseph McClure
Hearing Dates:
- To be scheduled
- Failed to reply appropriately or within a reasonable time to a written enquiry made by the College
- Failed to cooperate with a representative of another College under Section 76 of the Code
Dr. Yuriy Pawluk
Hearing Dates:
- To be scheduled
- Failed to reply appropriately or within a reasonable time to a written enquiry made by the College
- Contravened a standard of practice or failed to maintain the standards of practice of the profession
- Signed a certificate, report or similar document that contained a false, misleading or improper statement
- Failed to keep records as required by the Regulations
- Submitted a false or misleading account or charge
- Charged excessive or unreasonable fees
- Disgraceful, dishonourable, unprofessional or unethical conduct
Dr. Sahar Rakhshanfar
Hearing Dates:
- To be scheduled
Hearing Dates:
- To be scheduled
- Contravened a standard of practice or failed to maintain the standards of practice of the profession
- Ordered/delegated/assigned unqualified person to perform an intraoral procedure
- Contravened the standards of practice in relation to inducing general anaesthesia or conscious sedation
- Signed a certificate, report or similar document that contained a false, misleading or improper statement
- Failed to keep records as required by the Regulations
- Submitted a false or misleading account or charge
- Disgraceful, dishonourable, unprofessional or unethical conduct
Hearing Dates:
- To be scheduled
- Contravened a standard of practice or failed to maintain the standards of practice of the profession
- Failed to comply with Regulation respecting payment in advance for treatment provided on a fee for services basis
- Failed to keep records as required by the Regulations
- Charged excessive or unreasonable fees
Dr. Shivesh Harish Ruparelia
Hearing Dates:
- To be scheduled
- Contravened a standard of practice or failed to maintain the standards of practice of the profession
- Treated without consent
- Treated a disease that member knew or ought to have known was beyond his/her expertise or competence
- Failed to keep records as required by the Regulations
Dr. Vicken Vincent Takvorian
Hearing Dates:
- To be scheduled
- Disgraceful, dishonourable, unprofessional or unethical conduct
Dr. Jeffrey Tse
Hearing Dates:
- To be scheduled
- Failed to reply appropriately or within a reasonable time to a written enquiry made by the College
- Contravened a standard of practice or failed to maintain the standards of practice of the profession
- Discontinued dental services that were needed, without reasonable cause
- Failed to keep records as required by the Regulations
- Disgraceful, dishonourable, unprofessional or unethical conduct
Hearing Dates:
- To be scheduled
- Failed to reply appropriately or within a reasonable time to a written enquiry made by the College
- Contravened a standard of practice or failed to maintain the standards of practice of the profession
- Discontinued dental services that were needed, without reasonable cause
- Failed to keep records as required by the Regulations
- Disgraceful, dishonourable, unprofessional or unethical conduct
Hearing Dates:
- To be scheduled
- Failed to reply appropriately or within a reasonable time to a written enquiry made by the College
- Contravened a standard of practice or failed to maintain the standards of practice of the profession
- Failed to keep records as required by the Regulations
- Disgraceful, dishonourable, unprofessional or unethical conduct
Dr. Ivan Tucakov
Hearing Dates:
- To be scheduled
- Signed a certificate, report or similar document that contained a false, misleading or improper statement
- Falsified a record
- Submitted a false or misleading account or charge
- Used a name other than the member's name as set out in the Register in the course of providing or offering dental services
- Disgraceful, dishonourable, unprofessional or unethical conduct
Dr. Linda Priscilla Verge
Hearing Dates:
- To be scheduled
- Disgraceful, dishonourable, unprofessional or unethical conduct
- Failure to complete the Practice Enhancement Tool (PET)
- Failure to cooperate with the Quality Assurance Committee
Dr. Solomon David Weiss
Hearing Dates:
- To be scheduled
- Contravened a standard of practice or failed to maintain the standards of practice of the profession
- Treated without consent
- Treated a disease that member knew or ought to have known was beyond his/her expertise or competence
- Failed to keep records as required by the Regulations
- Disgraceful, dishonourable, unprofessional or unethical conduct
Hearing Dates:
- To be scheduled
- Contravened a standard of practice or failed to maintain the standards of practice of the profession
- Treated without consent
- Treated a disease that member knew or ought to have known was beyond his/her expertise or competence
- Failed to keep records as required by the Regulations
Dr. Benjamin Woo
Hearing Dates:
- To be scheduled
- Signed a certificate, report or similar document that contained a false, misleading or improper statement
- Failed to keep records as required by the Regulations
- Submitted a false or misleading account or charge
- Charged excessive or unreasonable fees
- Charged to a patient, a lab fee that was more than the actual commercial lab fee incurred by the dentist