Jashandeep Kaur

Full Name:
Jashandeep Kaur
Registration Number:
Current Status:
Designated Electoral District:
District 4

Concerns, Conditions and/or Professional Misconduct

Practice Information


Primary Practice

Chinguacousy Dentistry

8975 Chinguacousy Rd #5 Brampton, ON, CA L6Y 0J2
(905) 453-0999
Sedation & Anesthesia Facility Permit:
CT Scanner Facility Permit:
See Hide All Practice Locations

All Practice Locations

  • Chinguacousy Dentistry
    8975 Chinguacousy Rd #5 Brampton, ON, CA L6Y 0J2
    (905) 453-0999
    Sedation & Anesthesia Facility Permit:
    CT Scanner Facility Permit:

Academic Information


Dental Degree

Magadh University, India
New York University, United States

This may not be a complete record of the member's academic information or continuing education.

Certificate(s) of Registration


Current Certificate(s) of Registration and Date(s) of Issuance


Previous Certificate(s) of Registration


Initial Date of Registration

Complaints & Reports Outcomes


Case File: 140068

Decision Date:
August 31, 2016


As a result of its investigation of a Report, the Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee decided to caution Dr. Kaur as follows:

•    As a dentist, the member is required to respond to written inquiries from the College in a timely manner. In this case, the panel notes that at times, the member was unresponsive or her response to the College was delayed. Further in the previous discipline finding, the member was found guilty of professional misconduct in regards to her failure to reply appropriately or within a reasonable time to a written enquiry made by the College. The panel is very concerned about this continued behavior and therefore cautions the member that in the future, she should be mindful of her professional obligations to provide a timely response to inquiries made by her regulatory body.

•    The hallmark of professional dentists is the ability to conduct themselves in a professional manner and maintain the standards of the profession, even under trying personal circumstances. The member is cautioned that she should ensure that difficulties in her personal life do not negatively impact her professional responsibilities.

•    The panel was concerned about the member’s history of misconduct which has resulted in the need for significant remedial education, cautions and a finding of guilt at a discipline hearing. The panel is concerned that even after the discipline finding, the member was non-responsive to her regulatory body. The panel cautions the member that, in the future, she should implement the lessons learned through remedial education and monitoring and apply guidance given to her by the College in a more timely manner.

Specified Continuing Education or Remedial Program

Current Status:
Required Course
An individualized course in financial recordkeeping, including billing practices and the use of codes
Current Status:
Required Course
Endodontics, including endodontic procedures and the use of rubber dam isolation
Current Status:
Required Practice Monitoring - Office Visits
Practice to be monitored for 24 months following completion of courses in financial recordkeeping and endodontics

Case File: 200765

Decision Date:
January 09, 2023


Current Status:
As a result of a complaint, the Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee decided to caution Dr. Jashandeep Kaur as follows:

• With respect to your orthodontic practice, before you begin treatment in any case, you must prepare a thorough case work-up for the purposes of treatment planning and diagnosis. A complete work-up should include a clinical orthodontic evaluation, intraoral and extraoral photographs and an analysis or tracing of the cephalometric radiograph. You must prepare a comprehensive treatment plan, which should include the mechanics and method of treatment to be utilized, so that the patient is prepared for the course of treatment.

• Despite previous remediation by the College, your records fell far below the standard expected of a member of the profession, which suggested that you had poor insight into the previous deficiencies of your recordkeeping. As a dentist in Ontario, you have a professional, legal and ethical responsibility to maintain complete records. When providing orthodontic treatment specifically, such records must include: your pre-treatment evaluation and analysis; treatment options; the proposed and accepted treatment plan; a record of the treatment performed and your clinical observations to justify the ongoing course of treatment; any offers for referrals; post-treatment records including photographs; and the outcome of treatment. The lack of detail and the omissions in your records in this instance were seriously concerning.

• In order to obtain informed consent, it is imperative that you fully discuss with your patient the nature of the proposed treatment, as well as the risks, benefits, costs and timeline of the treatment. You must document in the clinical notes the details of this discussion and the patient’s decision, even when the patient has signed a consent form.

• As part of the informed consent process in orthodontic cases, you should be transparent with your patient that you do not hold a specialty in orthodontics and are not a certified orthodontist. You should also offer your patient an opportunity for a referral to an orthodontist.

• The Committee is disappointed that you are the subject of another complaint in which there are serious concerns with your clinical skills and recordkeeping and informed consent protocols. You should reflect on the seriousness of the Committee’s concerns, and diligently and consistently implement the lessons learned from your remediation, including this caution. Failure to apply these lessons to your practice again, after multiple remedial efforts, may result in more serious action being taken in the future.

Terms, Conditions and Limitations In Effect

Case File: 170198

Status: In Effect
Voluntary Practice Restriction
  • Shall not initiate any new orthodontic treatment cases
In Effect Since:

Discipline Results


Case File: H180003

Date of Decision:


  • Disgraceful, dishonourable, unprofessional or unethical conduct
  • Failed to comply with order of the Discipline Committee or Fitness to Practise Committee


  • $2500 to be paid to College
  • Imposed Mentoring Program in Ethics
  • Reprimand
Reasons for Decision
Decision Summary

Case File: H150016

Date of Decision:


  • Contravened a standard of practice or failed to maintain the standards of practice of the profession
  • Failed to keep records as required by the Regulations
  • Failed to reply appropriately or within a reasonable time to a written enquiry made by the College


  • $3500 to be paid to College
  • Imposed Course/Training Professional Ethics
  • Imposed Course/Training Recordkeeping
  • Imposed Practice Monitoring (office visits) for 24 months following completion of courses
  • Reprimand
  • Suspension 2 months - effective Apr 01, 2016 to May 31, 2016
Reasons for Decision
Decision Summary

This information was obtained from the register of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario (www.rcdso.org)