David Halpin

Full Name:
David Joseph Halpin
Registration Number:
Current Status:
Designated Electoral District:
District 1

Concerns, Conditions and/or Professional Misconduct

Practice Information


Primary Practice

Dentistry Smiles on Sparks

134 Sparks St Ottawa, ON, CA K1P 5B6
(613) 563-2396
Sedation & Anesthesia Facility Permit:
CT Scanner Facility Permit:
See Hide All Practice Locations

All Practice Locations

  • Dentistry Smiles on Sparks
    134 Sparks St Ottawa, ON, CA K1P 5B6
    (613) 563-2396
    Sedation & Anesthesia Facility Permit:
    CT Scanner Facility Permit:

Academic Information


Dental Degree

University of Western Ontario, Canada

This may not be a complete record of the member's academic information or continuing education.

Certificate(s) of Registration


Current Certificate(s) of Registration and Date(s) of Issuance


Previous Certificate(s) of Registration


Initial Date of Registration

Complaints & Reports Outcomes


Case File: 180547

Decision Date:
May 09, 2022

Specified Continuing Education or Remedial Program

Required Course
Dental Recordkeeping
Required Course
The ODA's course, "The ODA Suggested Fee Guide and Dental Plans: Best Practices"
Required Practice Monitoring - Office Visits
Practice to be monitored for 24 months following completion of courses.

Case File: 180549

Decision Date:
August 24, 2020

Specified Continuing Education or Remedial Program

Current Status:
Under Appeal by Member
Required Course
One-on-one course in recordkeeping
Current Status:
Under Appeal by Member
Required Practice Monitoring - Office Visits
Practice to be monitored for 24 months following completion of one-on-one course in recordkeeping

Case File: 200363

Decision Date:
August 25, 2021


Current Status:
Under Appeal by Member
As a result of a complaint, the Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee decided to caution Dr. David Joseph Halpin as follows:

• The inappropriate nature of his comments to his patient, who was also a staff member, which were sexual, rude and demeaning. These comments were a serious breach of patient and professional boundaries. It is incumbent upon the member to establish and maintain appropriate boundaries with patients and staff given the power imbalance between a dentist and patient, as well as a dentist and staff member. The member is cautioned that he should reflect on his communication style and the content of his communication with his staff members, who may also be patients of his practice, to ensure that his communication is professional and appropriate in both delivery and content. 

• The unprofessional workplace he has created. The panel cautions the member about the need to establish a professional work environment. The member is cautioned that other staff and patients may be adversely affected by his unprofessional interactions with staff members and as such, he should ensure that the office environment is free from harassing, bullying, threatening and sexualized conduct as this conduct is never professional or appropriate. 

• The recurrence of communication issues in his prior decisions. The panel is very concerned about the repeat nature of issues being brought to the College’s attention regarding his communication style. The panel cautions the member that he should take this opportunity to make positive changes in his communication in the dental office in order to avoid more significant outcomes in the future. 

Specified Continuing Education or Remedial Program

Current Status:
Under Appeal by Member
Required Course
One-on-one course in sexual abuse prevention, boundary issues, as well as maintaining professional relationships and a professional work environment, including, but not limited to:
• Establishing and maintaining appropriate dentist/patient relationships 
• Professional boundaries, including working in small spaces 
• Establishing and maintaining employer/employee relationships, including professionalism in the office and communication with staff and patients 
• Gender sensitivity 
• A review of the content of the College’s Practice Advisory: Prevention of Sexual Abuse and Boundary Violations (November 2017) 

Current Status:
Under Appeal by Member
Required Practice Monitoring - Office Visits
Practice to be monitored for 24 months following completion of course in sexual abuse prevention, boundary issues, as well as maintaining professional relationships and a professional work environment.

Case File: 22-0587

Decision Date:
June 03, 2024


Current Status:
Under Appeal by Member
As a result of a complaint, the Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee decided to caution Dr. David Joseph Halpin as follows: 

•	Dentists have professional, legal and ethical obligations to obtain informed consent to treatment and keep a complete record of a patient’s care.

•	The College’s expectations are set out in its Practice Advisory on informed consent and its dental recordkeeping Guidelines.

•	You must always reach a diagnosis, supported by appropriate investigations such as examination and radiographs, before offering treatment. The diagnosis must be documented with sufficient detail in the clinical records and clearly communicated to the patient as part of the informed consent discussion.

•	The College expects you to take significant steps to improve your informed consent and dental recordkeeping practices so that you meet the expectations set out in the College’s guidance documents.

Specified Continuing Education or Remedial Program

Current Status:
Under Appeal by Member
Required Practice Monitoring - Office Visits
Practice to be monitored for 24 months following completion of courses, with a minimum of two visits in each 12 month period.
Current Status:
Under Appeal by Member
Required Course
A course in dental recordkeeping.
Current Status:
Under Appeal by Member
Required Course
A course in informed consent.
Current Status:
Under Appeal by Member
Required Mentoring Program
A mentorship with a member of the College, who is approved by the Registrar, who will act as a Mentor and will review and assess the adequacy of the Dentist’s informed consent practice and dental recordkeeping practice.
o Dr. Halpin will follow all of the Mentor’s recommendations with respect to his dental recordkeeping and informed consent practices.
o Dr. Halpin will provide to the College, at his expense, an initial report from the Mentor within one month of the Mentor being retained, and a report every two months from the Mentor until such time as the College is satisfied that the concerns raised in this complaint have been addressed.

Discipline Results


Case File: H090008

Date of Decision:


  • Ordered/delegated/assigned unqualified person to perform an intraoral procedure
  • Recommended or provided an unnecessary dental service


  • Imposed Course/Training Interpersonal Skills/Relationships in the Workplace
  • Imposed Course/Training Jurisprudence and Ethics
  • Imposed Course/Training Recordkeeping
  • Imposed Practice Monitoring (office visits) for 24 months following completion of courses, at member's expense
  • Reprimand
  • Suspension First interval of six consecutive weeks - effective Mar 20, 2012 to Apr 30, 2012
  • Suspension Second interval of six consecutive weeks - effective Jul 23, 2012 to Sep 03, 2012
(See link to Decision Summary)

Decision Summary

Case File: H100009

Date of Decision:
Penalty combined with associated case - H090008


  • Charged excessive or unreasonable fees
  • Misrepresented a treatment, remedy, device or procedure
  • Submitted a false or misleading account or charge
(See link to Decision Summary)

Decision Summary

This information was obtained from the register of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario (www.rcdso.org)