Infection prevention and control in dentistry

Infection prevention and control in dentistry is a critical issue for safe patient care. While the risk of infection as a result of dental procedures is extremely low, it is always an important patient safety consideration.

See our Statement on Infection Prevention and Control and our Standard on Infection Prevention and Control in the Dental Office.

What patients should know about IPAC in the dental office:

  • Your dentist or oral health care worker should ensure hands are washed with plain or antimicrobial soap and running water or, if hands are NOT visibly soiled (i.e. in the majority of instances), the use of a 70-90% alcohol-based hand rub is the preferred method of hand hygiene.
  • Your dentist or oral health care worker should wear personal protective equipment such as gloves, protective eyewear, masks and protective clothing. They should be used consistently during the treatment of patients.

Patients can find out more information and read through important FAQs on this topic